The Accidental Counsellor 4-day T4T Virtual Workshop

This is an opportunity to add to your scope of trainings you currently offer. There is a continuing demand in Australia for staff to be trained in this program, and there is not sufficient accredited trainers to meet the growing demand.

Receptionist and front counter employees are often at the frontline and first contact with a client. If that contact presents as aggressive, angry, or upset sometimes it’s not easy to find a response to diffuse or sooth a situation. The Accidental Counsellor 1-day workshop equips participants how to handle difficult scenarios and provides a helpful, appropriate response. They learn how to take a calm and safe approach, while conveying empathy and encouraging cooperation. It will assist them to de-escalate an otherwise challenging situation or potential crisis. This workshop is ideal for counter staff, frontline workers, receptionists, telephone operators, support workers and members of the public. They will learn how to have a difficult conversation; help someone identify their strengths provide them with strategies to manage their stress and distress better; re-frame their thinking to give them a different perspective on things that previously appeared negative and unachievable.

The Virtual T4T is effectively delivered over a 4-day period period. This ensures that all participants understand the theories, principles and key concepts that underpin and inform the Accidental Counsellor program; fully grasp and are able to demonstrate their ability to explain the contents of the program, and lastly to gain confidence in their ability to competently deliver this program to their audiences.

Workshop Duration

The T4T is effectively delivered over a 4-day period virtually. The Accidental Counsellor Trainer accreditation presented virtually requires your attendance for two half days on day 1 and day 2, and attendance for full days on day 3 and 4.

What you will learn

Day 1 & Day 2 – The full program is presented over two half days to give you a view of the workshop from a participant’s perspective and to provide time for reflection and feedback. Delivering it over the two half days ensures we minimise virtual fatigue and provide participants the time to consolidate their learnings

  • When delivered virtually the one-day program will be presented over two half days to account for virtual fatigue and ensuring participants can consolidate their learnings.

Day 3 – Each component of the Accidental Counsellor program will be explained and explored in full detail covering the key concepts that underpin, and inform the training program.

Day 4 –  Each participant will have the opportunity to practice and present a section of the program to ensure they have understood the intent and delivery method of the program, as well as enabling them to gain confidence in their presentation styles. The afternoon focuses on the organising, planning, preparation, and presentation of an Accidental Counsellor workshop

What do T4T participants receive?

On successful completion, T4T participants receive a certificates of accreditation as a Suicide Programs Accidental Counsellor trainer, a full kit of resources to equip them for their training role, these include: – A Trainers Manual with comprehensive training notes, and a detailed guide of preparing for a workshops, Trainer PowerPoints with training notes, bookings spreadsheet, attendance templates, certificate templates, ice breaker cards, burn-out scale, email template, posters, flyers, and logos.

Topics covered:

Topics covered include:

  • Basic couselling skills
  • How to become a good listener
  • Resolving emotional situations
  • Know our own triggers
  • How not to take things personally
  • Recognising common communication blockers
  • How to handle difficult callers or conversations
  • An overview on mental illness
  • An awareness of self-harm and suicide
  • How to take care of yourself in the face of difficult work
  • Why professional boundaries are important
  • The power of Mindfulness
  • The key concepts behind the program
  • Effective presentation styles
  • How to market & deliver the program


Suicide Programs Accidental Counsellor 4-day T4T – $2,500 (+GST)

Train the Trainer Workshop Dates:

Virtual – Tuesday 23rd July to Friday 26th July 2024

Looking For Something Else?

If you can’t make these dates or you’d like to enquire about a personalised workshop, visit our enquiry page to send our team a message.

Suicide Prevention and Intervention Training


Hear from people who have participated in our in-person and online suicide prevention training.

big stars
Fantastic workshop, Made all efforts to make the virtual workshop as close to face to face as possible. Very informative and very open to discussion. Would recommend to anyone wanting…
CALM C-A-R-E Suicide Awareness
Calm Conversations Can Save Lives
big stars
I think this was such a great space to get comfortable with specifics around such a highly sensitive and sometimes triggering topic. Massive thank you to the trainers for holding…
CALM C-A-R-E Suicide Awareness
Calm Conversations Can Save Lives
big stars
It was a great workshop.  Thank you for being so patient and thoughtful through the discussions and content.
CALM C-A-R-E Suicide Awareness
Calm Conversations Can Save Lives
big stars
Informative session that provided a safe and comfortable space to deal with a very difficult and sensitive topic. Thank you
CALM C-A-R-E Suicide Awareness
Calm Conversations Can Save Lives
big stars
Felt this was a good introduction to the topic. Certainly busted a few myths which is very helpful. I feel a lot more equipped to have this kind of discussion…
CALM C-A-R-E Suicide Awareness
Calm Conversations Can Save Lives
big stars
This was great! The trainer was knowledgeable and passionate, and I found the content incredibly valuable both professionally and personally. Thank you.
CALM C-A-R-E Suicide Awareness
Calm Conversations Can Save Lives