Understanding Suicide Warning Signs: The Importance of Suicide Awareness Training

Understanding suicide warning signs

Suicide warning signs can vary from person to person, but there are some common indicators that may suggest someone is at risk. These warning signs can include changes in behavior, such as withdrawing from social activities, expressing feelings of hopelessness, or talking about death or suicide. Other signs may include giving away belongings, engaging in risky behaviors, or expressing a sudden sense of calm or relief.

It is important to remember that these warning signs do not always mean that someone is thinking of suicide. However, they should be taken seriously and treated as an opportunity to provide support and intervention.

What should I do if someone is going to attempt suicide?

If you believe someone is at risk of suicide, it is crucial to act quickly. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Stay with the person (if safe to do so: Offer your support and let them know they are not alone.

2. Listen without judgment: Allow the person to express their feelings and thoughts without interruption or criticism.

3. Remove any means: If possible, remove any potential tools or substances that could be used for self-harm.

4. Encourage professional help: Suggest that the person seek help from a mental health professional or call a helpline.

5. Stay connected: Follow up with the person regularly to offer ongoing support and ensure their safety.

Remember, it is essential to take any mention or indication of suicide seriously and seek help immediately. Your actions could make a significant difference in saving a life.

Who is more at risk of suicide?

Suicide can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. However, certain factors may increase an individual’s risk. These risk factors can include a history of mental health issues, previous suicide attempts, a family history of suicide, or exposure to suicidal behaviors within their social circle, isolation, misuse of drugs and alcohol and relationship breakdown.

Additionally, certain demographic groups may experience a higher prevalence of suicide. For example, men are more likely to die by suicide, whilst women make more attempts on their lives. Other at-risk populations include individuals who identify as LGBTIQA+,

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and those experiencing socioeconomic challenges.

It is important to recognize that while these groups may be statistically more at risk, many won’t ever consider suicide and suicide can impact anyone. Therefore, suicide awareness training should be accessible to all individuals, regardless of their demographic or professional background.

Are there ‘protective’ factors for suicide?

Just as there are risk factors for suicide, there are also protective factors that may help mitigate the risk. These protective factors include access to mental health care, strong social connections, a sense of belonging, financial security, and effective coping skills. Additionally, having a supportive and caring family environment, community resources, and positive life experiences can also act as protective factors. Yet again, these may provide protection but may not be sufficient for the individual, once again anybody may reach a point where suicide becomes an option.

By strengthening these protective factors, individuals and communities can create a supportive environment that promotes mental well-being and reduces suicide risk.

How language and suicide are connected

Language plays a crucial role in suicide prevention. The way we talk about suicide can either contribute to stigma and misunderstanding or foster an environment of empathy, support, and open dialogue. It is essential to use language that is respectful, non-judgmental, and avoids romanticizing or sensationalizing suicide.

By using sensitive and appropriate language, we can promote understanding, encourage help-seeking behaviors, and reduce the shame and stigma often associated with mental health issues and suicide.

The power of talking about suicide

Conversations about suicide can be uncomfortable, but they are necessary. Talking openly and honestly about suicide reduces the stigma, encourages help-seeking behaviors, and promotes early intervention. It also allows individuals who may be struggling to feel heard, understood, and supported.

By engaging in conversations about suicide, we can create a culture of openness, empathy, and support. These conversations can save lives by connecting individuals to resources, providing hope, and reminding them that they are not alone.

Critical Steps Your Workplace Can Take Today to Prevent Suicide

The workplace is a crucial setting for suicide prevention, as many individuals spend a significant amount of their time in this environment. Here are some critical steps your workplace can take to prevent suicide:

1. Develop a workplace mental health policy: Establishing a policy that prioritizes mental wellbeing and outlines support mechanisms that create a culture of well-being and reduce the risk of suicide.

2. Train employees in suicide awareness: Provide CALM CARE Suicide Awareness Training to employees to increase their understanding of warning signs and equip them with the skills to intervene and provide support.

3. Foster a supportive work environment: Encourage open communication, promote work-life balance, and provide access to mental health resources and support services.

4. Implement workplace wellness programs: Offer programs that promote mental health, stress reduction, and resilience-building, such as yoga classes, meditation sessions, or employee assistance programs.

5. Raise awareness and reduce stigma: Organize awareness campaigns, share resources, and host educational workshops to promote mental health literacy and reduce the stigma associated with suicide.

By implementing these steps, workplaces can create a safe and supportive environment where employees feel valued, cared for, and equipped to support one another.

The Workplace as a Risk Factor for Suicide

While the workplace can play a critical role in suicide prevention, it is also important to acknowledge that certain workplace factors can contribute to increased suicide risk. High levels of job stress, job insecurity, workplace bullying, and a lack of support or resources can all impact an individual’s mental health and well-being.

To address these risk factors, organizations must prioritize employee mental health and well-being by fostering a supportive work environment, providing resources for stress management, and addressing any issues of workplace bullying or harassment promptly and effectively.

The Workplace Education, Prevention, and Intervention Programs

Workplace education, prevention, and intervention programs are essential tools in suicide prevention. These programs aim to increase awareness, promote early intervention, and equip employees with the skills and resources needed to support their colleagues.

CALM CARE Suicide Awareness Training offers a comprehensive program specifically designed for the workplace. By participating in this training, employees can learn how to recognize suicide warning signs, respond appropriately, and connect individuals in need to professional help. This training empowers employees to become active participants in suicide prevention efforts and creates a workplace culture that prioritizes mental health and well-being.

Why conversations matter in suicide prevention

Conversations play a crucial role in suicide prevention. They provide individuals with an opportunity to express their feelings, share their struggles, and seek support. By engaging in

conversations about suicide, we can break down barriers, challenge stigma, and promote early intervention.

When having conversations about suicide, it is important to listen actively, show empathy, and validate the person’s feelings. Avoid judgment and encourage professional help-seeking when necessary. Remember that you do not need to have all the answers; sometimes, just being present and offering support can make a significant difference.

Resources for suicide prevention and support Australia

In addition to CALM CARE suicide awareness training, there are several resources available in Australia to support suicide prevention and provide assistance to those in need. Some of these resources include: 1. Lifeline Australia: A 24/7 helpline offering crisis support and suicide prevention services. Contact: 13 11 14. 2. Beyond Blue: A national organization providing information and support for anxiety, depression, and suicide prevention. Contact: 1300 22 4636. 3. Headspace: A youth mental health service providing early intervention and support to young people aged 12-25. Contact: 1800 650 890. 4. Black Dog Institute: A leading research institute focused on mental health, providing resources for understanding and managing depression and suicide. Contact: +61 2 9382 4530.

These resources, along with CALM CARE suicide awareness training, contribute to a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention and support in Australia.

CALM CARE suicide awareness training: What is it?

CALM CARE Suicide Awareness Training is a comprehensive program that provides individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and respond to suicide warning signs. This training covers topics such as risk factors, protective factors, effective communication strategies, and how to connect individuals in need to appropriate support services.

The training incorporates evidence-based practices and is delivered by licensed trainers, such as Sebnem Bulan-Worth from WHS and Training Compliance Solutions. By participating in CALM CARE Suicide Awareness Training, individuals can become confident and capable in providing support to those at risk of suicide.

How to access CALM CARE suicide awareness training

To access CALM CARE Suicide Awareness Training, you can contact Sebnem Bulan-Worth from WHS and Training Compliance Solutions. Sebnem Bulan-Worth is a licensed onsite trainer who provides CALM CARE Suicide Awareness Training across Australia. By reaching out to Sebnem Bulan-Worth, you can schedule training sessions for your organization or community and take an active step towards suicide prevention OR contact our HEAD OFFICE on (07) 3077 6536.


Suicide is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. By increasing suicide awareness, understanding warning signs, and promoting open conversations, we can create a culture that supports mental health and prevents suicide. CALM CARE Suicide Awareness Training offers a valuable opportunity for individuals and organizations to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to save lives. By accessing this training and utilizing available resources, we can work together to create a world where suicide is preventable and lives are saved. Sebnem Bulan-Worth from WHS and Training Compliance Solutions is a licensed onsite CALM CARE suicide awareness training provider across Australia. Contact Sebnem Bulan-Worth at 0754 992 406 to access this life-saving training and make a difference in your community.

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